Candidates from both the Town of Aberdeen and the Village of Whispering Pines join us to introduce themselves to the voters with an overview about their reasons for seeking office and an overview about their positions on the issues affecting the residents of their communities.

Bryan Bowles, Teressa Beavers, Amanda Marquez Janker
Election Day is Nov. 5th. Local elections have a more direct impact on residents than any other type of State or Federal election.

Pamela Harris, Alexa Roberts, Tim Venjohn
Candidates not available to join us but also on the ballot:
Aberdeen – Robert Farrell (Mayor), Elease Goodwin (Board of Commissioners)
Whispering Pines – Glenn Bernhard, Joe Wincklhofer, Andy Conway, Dean Kalles, Neil Godfrey & Denise Racey (Town Council)
Contact Information of Guest Candidates:
Alexa Roberts 910-603-8137
Tim Venjohn 910-638-0100
Pamela Harris 910-986-8608
Bryan Bowles 910-783-4745 facebook: Bowles for Aberdeen Commissoner
Teresa Beavers 910-331-4610 facebook: Beavers For Aberdeen Town Commissoner
Adriana Janker 910-574-2796