Moore County resident, Amy Smith is a consultant for Isagenix, a firm specializing in Nutritional Supplements and proven healthy shakes for many different reasons.

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Amy talks about the products, the technology and the science that makes Isagenix such a well-known product on the market that is dominated by a lot of competition.

Her personal quest for better health; her family ties; and her sincere desire to coach, mentor and help others makes for a fascinating conversation with a lady who is bright, articulate and very passionate about all she does.

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Christmas Events in Moore County

Julia Brokmeyer, Owner, Moore Choices, LLC, joins us along with Marian Caso of Lady Bedford’s Tea Parlor,, and Executive Director of the Pinehurst Business Partners, to share information on a multitude of Christmas events happening in Moore County in general and the Village of Pinehurst in particular.

Christmas Events in Moore County

 In addition to the Christmas events, Moore Equine Events & Peaceful Meadows Farm (on Facebook) is featured as is the great Southern Pines Restaurant, FOUR SEASONS ON BROAD at 315 SE Broad St. Southern Pines (on Facebook) where great Manhattan style & quality dining in a casual atmosphere is the rule of the day.  910 725-0665

 These 3 ladies make it clear that Moore County is changing for the better with many events that cater to people of all ages, but especially to the younger families with children.

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THE HUMAN FACE OF AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) in MOORE COUNTY

Our three guests are all members of AA & cut thru a number of the misperceptions of AA and the misunderstandings about Alcoholism. Thru their years of participating in AA meetings and their successful rise from the depths this disease can go, they de-stigmatize many of the issues commonly associated with this Alcoholism.


In Moore County alone, there are 3-5 meetings everyday at various locations to assist those in need of fellowship, support & discipline.

As our guests speak about spirituality, they also speak about the power of a shared experience and a support group that encompasses all walks of life.

Not enough is ever spoken about on this topic.  These gentleman go a long way to changing the conversation so often associated with this affliction that affects millions of people.  800 493-1742



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Gary Taylor of Taylor Dance talks about his dance company, located in Southern Pines and their upcoming production of The Nutcracker, which will play on Friday, Nov. 27th thru Sunday Nov. 29th.    Tickets can be purchased for this Holiday event at or by phone at 855-222-2849.


In addition to The Nutcracker, Gary speaks passionately about the dance school and what it’s meant to the young dancers (ages 3 – 18) over the years.  Gary and Rita Taylor have had many “coachable moments” over the years with many of their students and he brings that important element to life.

David Michael Wolff of the Carolina Philharmonic talks about his iconic organization in Moore County and highlights their Thanksgiving eve Holiday Pops Extravaganza at the Carolina Hotel, Wed. evening, Nov. 25th, featuring Broadway star Clark Thorell. as well as his upcoming Dec. 10th performance of Handel’s Messiah at the Owens Auditorium.


David and Gary easily collaborate on their shared experiences in working with many of the students and children of Moore County.

These two gentleman make a difference for these children in providing not only exposure to the Arts, but a discipline, life lessons & an appreciation that will stay with them as they grow into adulthood.

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THE CHURCH IN 2015 – Opportunities, Challenges & Questions

Featured guest, Dr. Jolene Erlacher, ( is a local author and speaker.  Her book, Millenials in the Ministry, outlines the generational differences in the ministry that also has a wide application to intergenerational leadership, effective team development and generational trends in business of every walk of life.


Dr. Erlacher paints a well rounded word picture of the snapshot of today’s churches with many suggestions for what today’s church leaders and parishioners have to do to stay vital, vibrant and contributory to their community at large.

Joining Dr. Erlacher are the Executive Directors of the Sandhills/Moore Coalition for Human Care, Barrett Walker, ( & Amie Fraley of Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills (

Barrett & Amie help to connect the dots about the strength of the local church community and the  local service they provide to agencies and non-profit organizations throughout Moore County.


Dr. Erlacher educates us on what it means to be part of the Millenial generation (ages 18- 34) and their needs, expectations, hopes and dreams for their world.

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