Dr. Stanton is a staff psychiatrist at First Health and focuses on ER/Consult service and the outpatient clinic She specializes in anxiety and
mood disorders. Her conversation pierces thru the media headlines and provides us with good solid information to increase awareness and better our understanding.
National Suicide Information:

An outline of her conversation includes many important talking points:


. 14th Leading cause of morality globally (World Health
. 10th leading cause of death in the US
. 11th leading cause of death in North Carolina
. Gender, Age, Race, Education

Trends in State Suicide Rate:

. 1999-2016 – Increase of 30% in 25 states
. NC increased by 12.7%
. 54% of people who died did not have any known mental health
. Increased likelihood of relationship problems/loss, life
stressors, or impending crisis
. Largest increase in adult age 45-64
. Trends in Moore County

Risk Factors (No single cause):. Prior attempts
. Access to lethal means
. Intoxication from alcohol or other substance
. Social and economic problems
. Poor coping and problem-solving skillsTerminology:. Ideation
. Threat
. Gesture
. Non-suicidal self-injuryPrevention:. Provide financial support to individuals in need.
. Strengthen access to and delivery to care
. Create protective environment
. Connect people within their communities
. Teach coping and problem-solving
. Prevent future risk
. Identify and support people at riskWarning signs:. Feeling like a burden
. Isolating
. Unbearable pain
. Increase substance use
. Hopelessness
. Talking about wanting to die

5 Steps to help

1. Ask
2. Keep them safe
3. Be there
4. Help them connect
5. Follow up


Bill Dunlap talks with Jan Leitschuh and Fenton Wilkinson, co-founders of Sandhills Farm to Table Cooperative, about the origins of this unique community enterprise, how it is helping improve the health of local residents and the economic health of local farmers by connecting them directly. SF2T offers subscriptions of weekly boxes of 7 to 9 fruits and vegetables from Moore and contiguous Counties at their peak freshness, as well as jams, baked goods, honey and other local food products through their on-line store.

Also discussed is how SF2T economically benefits local schools and churches, and SF2T’s new Workplace Wellness program which improves not only employee health, but also employers’ profitability and the local economy by buying from local farmers.


Prescription drug abuse is the Nation’s fastest growing drug problem and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified prescription drug abuse as an epidemic.
Moore County District Attorney, Maureen Krueger, Policy Director Roxanne Elliot, of Community Health Services of First Health, Recovery Associates Counselor, Becky Carlson & Captain over Narcotics at the Moore County Sheriff’s Department, Jerrell Seawell, join forces for an important conversation about this severe and growing problem in Moore County. Our four guests do a wonderful job of outlining the problem; its origins, offering important tips on prevention, spotting red flags and discussing the care and couseling benefits available in Moore County and the financial challenges associated with this endeavor.