STUFF THE BUS is in its 12th year this weekend, collecting school supplies for needy children in the Moore County School system. This fundraiser calls to light bigger picture issues and the value of providing all Moore County Students “nets” from the time they enter kindergarten through their high school graduation.

Executive Director, Joyce Clevenger, Director of Mentoring, Anthony McCauley, and Admin, Tracy Gibson join Pinecrest Patriot football coach, Chris Metzgar to speak about the value of MENTORING for students of all ages by many different means.

Their big picture conversation touches on many of the follow points and programs:

– In its 12th year
– This weekend 20th—22nd
– Fri/Sat 9-5& Sun 12-4
-100% of supplies goes to the children who need them
-Bus at Wal-Mart and Staples
– shoppers buy supplies and they are deposited in bus
-supplies sorted and distributed to Moore County Schools
-Teachers are able to distribute them directly to those in need

Reading Buddies
-Adults attend primary schools to help students learn to read
– Receive book donations and distribute to kids
Adults work one-on-one in school or out in community with at-risk kid
-at risk for dropping out, alcohol/drugs/recidivism
-Kids from disadvantaged homes and in need of positive adult role model
Career Development Program
-Court referred kids 14-17 years old
-engage with Sandhills/learn of vocational training opportunities
– Job shadow with local businesses to observe jobs in action
– group mentoring-skills based
– field trips, speakers, hands-on experiences
-Hope to spark interest and instill in youth that they can learn/make a contribution

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Dr. Stanton is a staff psychiatrist at First Health and focuses on ER/Consult service and the outpatient clinic She specializes in anxiety and
mood disorders. Her conversation pierces thru the media headlines and provides us with good solid information to increase awareness and better our understanding.
National Suicide Information:

An outline of her conversation includes many important talking points:


. 14th Leading cause of morality globally (World Health
. 10th leading cause of death in the US
. 11th leading cause of death in North Carolina
. Gender, Age, Race, Education

Trends in State Suicide Rate:

. 1999-2016 – Increase of 30% in 25 states
. NC increased by 12.7%
. 54% of people who died did not have any known mental health
. Increased likelihood of relationship problems/loss, life
stressors, or impending crisis
. Largest increase in adult age 45-64
. Trends in Moore County

Risk Factors (No single cause):. Prior attempts
. Access to lethal means
. Intoxication from alcohol or other substance
. Social and economic problems
. Poor coping and problem-solving skillsTerminology:. Ideation
. Threat
. Gesture
. Non-suicidal self-injuryPrevention:. Provide financial support to individuals in need.
. Strengthen access to and delivery to care
. Create protective environment
. Connect people within their communities
. Teach coping and problem-solving
. Prevent future risk
. Identify and support people at riskWarning signs:. Feeling like a burden
. Isolating
. Unbearable pain
. Increase substance use
. Hopelessness
. Talking about wanting to die

5 Steps to help

1. Ask
2. Keep them safe
3. Be there
4. Help them connect
5. Follow up

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Facebook: Simon for House

Twenty-three years ago, Lowell and his wife, Amy chose to make Moore County the home for their young family. He had just accepted a job in Montgomery County but fell in love with the beauty of Seven Lakes and the schools in Moore County.

Lowell has started, built and operated several small companies in the course of a 30 year career in business. He’s hired hundreds of people, made payroll and made some profit along the way. Lowell was also an educator in Moore County Schools for more than a decade. He taught math and entrepreneurship at Union Pines High School. As an experienced businessman, he saw how important a quality public education is to developing a quality work force. As a teacher, he saw how our students are often denied that education, squeezed into under-funded classrooms and subjected to meaningless standards.

Lowell has served on one of First Health’s Boards for 15 years. As a result, he has a unique perspective on health care. Expanding Medicaid and providing affordable health insurance are two of his top priorities.

Lowell is running to bring a more balanced and data-driven approach to solving the problems we face. The current leadership in the Raleigh
legislature has proven to be self-serving and has failed to represent the people of Moore County. He believes we can do better. He believes that if we put the needs of working people above the needs of lobbyists and millionaires we can bring fairness and prosperity back to all North Carolinians.

Lowell covers many topics in this informal discussion that includes many of the following subjects:

  • Constitutional Amendments; Budget process
  • Government by the few for the many
  • Separation of branches – checks and balances
  • No discussion or debate


  • Tax Cap (7% up from 5.5%) Currently at 11%
  • NCGA control of appointments, powers, duties and terms of
    all boards and commissions
  • NCGA control of nominations for judge vacancies
  • Photo ID: no details as to how to obtain, type required
  • A bill which says it helps crime victims but actually makes
    things more difficult
  • The right to hunt and fish
  • (nothing about education, school safety, health care or jobs)

Education funding

  • Teacher raises: still almost 10% less than in 2009-adjusted
    for inflation
  • Per pupil spending
  • Mental Health care in schools
  • Expand early childhood programs
  • End voucher programs
  • Sales tax/ Property Tax in Moore County

Health care

  • Premium escalation/benefit decreases
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Medicaid expansion: 600,000 in the gap
  • Federal funds at 90% of coverage, 40,000
    good paying jobs
  • Opioid crisis; white crime, decriminalize marijuana

Small Business development

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Veterans businesses (benefit exemption from income tax)
  • Business education
  • Improve Broadband access in rural parts of the County


  • People over Party
  • Increase minimum wage
  • Protect the right to vote
  • End gerrymandering
  • Reduce incarceration for non-violent crimes
  • Ratify the ERA

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Sandhills Repertory Theatre- Bernstein on Broadway. A Theatrical Journey

Friday – June 29th – 7:30 p.m. & Saturday – June 30th – 1:00 p.m. – ROBERT E. LEE AUDITORIUM

Director Michael Pizzi & Music Director Larry Arnold host some of the performers from NYC & Broadway in this celebration production of Leonard Bernstein’s 100th Birthday.

Jennifer Mintzer, Greg Roderick, Melissa Bonnetti & George Psomas are some of the singers you will see during this production that will feature selections from West Side Story, On The Town, Candide, Bernstein Mass & many more.

Their talent and passion are obvious and their reflections of their inspirations, their early mentors and their childhood memories of the Arts is inspirational to all the students who have similar dreams and aspirations.

The Sandhills Repertory Theatre in collaboration with Touching Humanity Inc. is a means to provide the Arts to Moore County and to its students.
Touching Humanity Inc. is a community-based arts and health education non-profit organization committed to promoting occupational and social justice and disability awareness through the arts.…


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Dr. Ray and Michele Lupkas came to North Carolina with their four daughters 23 years ago after a military career that landed them in Pennsylvania. Ray spent 22 years as an anesthesiologist at More Regional First Health of the Carolinas while Michele cared for their family and homeschooled two of their children. As the home became empty Michele and Ray knew that it was time for the next chapter of their lives. It was time to rebrand their own lives and to encourage others not to stagnate in their past. Based on their own desire, as well as others, they decided to create a company that would allow people to feel good on the inside and look good on the outside. After many classes in this new area of medicine began the birth of Juvo MedSpa.

During a conversation with a military friend who commented about soldiers self-medicating with synthetic hormones and the link with PTSD and Hormone imbalance, this sparked an idea with Dr. Ray and he began to investigate options. When he found the information he needed, Ray and Michele both had treatment and began to experience the effects of Bioidentical Hormones.

Michele’s mantra has become “Bioidentical hormones have changed my life! I have not slept through the night in years and two nights after receiving the pellets I did, I used to feel fuzzy brained and now that is not the case – the list of life improvements goes on and on.” In layman’s terms Michele explains “I had a blood panel done and my levels where considered “within normal range” by my Primary Doctor I distinctly remember my testosterone being higher when I felt my best!”

“I was offered synthetic hormones at my yearly checkup but the side effects were hazardous to my health so that was not an option.” Unlike
conventional hormones, bioidentical hormones are derived from natural sources, such as soy or yams, and created to be structurally identical the hormones produced naturally by your body. The hormones fit perfectly in each of the body’s hormone receptors to maintain optimal function. “During the past 15 weeks I feel my body is getting in sync”, even though Dr. Ray and Michele ran countless half marathons since their 40s and even one full marathon, now in 15 weeks Michele has lost 30 plus pounds without even trying. Dr. Ray on the other hand is enjoying better sleep, body strength he was used to from his younger years, and all around better health.

It’s exciting when patients comment that they have: decreased migraines, better sleep patterns, improved memory, sex life and PTSD symptoms are improving since receiving their pellets. With multiple studies supporting these results, patients ranging from 30 to 80 years of age have received pellets from Dr. Ray and their stories may be different but their lives have been enhanced.

Juvo offers so many unique options to enhance one’s life: recent FDA approved Emsella that noninvasively manages incontinence in 3 weeks in 94% of patients, unique personalized massages, body wraps for chronic pain management, customized facials, 3D Microblading, and the newest painless techniques in internal and external vaginal rejuvenation and options to combat ED for men. The newest techniques in to create the “liquid facelift” with products like Dysport, Botox and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers to create optical illusions similar to that of a surgical facelift or rhinoplasty. PRP therapy from head to toe: Hair Restoration, SkinPen to Stretch Marks minimization.

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