Sue Stovall’s iconic practice is featured in this show.  Physical therapists Dorian Gorevin, PT, MPT, OCS & Neelam Chaudhary, PT, MS cover a wide range of topics including care for surgical and non-surgical events.  Their mantra is:



Physical Therapy is a profession that combines scientific evidence and hands on care to help you recover from a mobility impairing injury or illness. A long time component of the health care field, physical therapists treat individuals with musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries, those recovering from orthopedic surgery, and people who are healing following illness or trauma.

At Southern Pines Physical Therapy, they are there to help you get your life back. They follow you through the different stages of your recovery offering guidance and support where needed and motivational care every step of the way.

Many of their clients have come to count on our advice and compassionate care to help them recover from an injury, surgery, or illness. We can help you make those tough decisions about returning to activity. They are your first stop for that nagging shoulder or sore neck.


Their categories of expert care include:

  • Total Joint Replacements
  • Rotator Cuff Repairs
  • Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain
  • Hip and Knee Pain
  • Ankle and Foot Dysfunction
  • Lymphatic Problems
  • Gait, Balance, and Mobility
  • Sports and Athletic Injuries

Sue Stovall, PT DPT

Sue received her PT degree from Old Dominion University in 1982 and her Doctorate in PT from the University of Boston in 2005. She has been providing Physical Therapy in the area for more than 28 years. As a long established member, Sue has served the North Carolina Physical Therapy Association in many capacities including President and Vice President. She is also a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and her special interests include the treatment of total joints, back and neck rehabilitation.

In October of 2010, Sue won the prestigious Founder’s Lecture Award from the North Carolina Physical Therapy Association.

You can email Sue at

210 S. Bennett Street
Southern Pines, NC 28387

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Moore Alive

I was fortunate to be on Bill’s show yesterday with Kay Beran of Berkshire Hathaway to represent the new economic development website called Moore Alive <> . Moore Alive was created as a marketing and talent recruitment tool. How do people find out about Moore County?

Moore_Alive_icon_-_blue_6-16-14We all have heard stories from our friends, how they came here on a golf trip, or their parents moved here, a military deployment perhaps. Tourism <> , retirement and the military have all been an important part of our growth. What about the rest of the people who can help the county grow the way we want it to and would love to live in our idyllic county? People who want to start businesses, move businesses or find a place they can make dynamic contributions of all kinds are welcome here, but we need them to be able to find us.

Pat Corso, Executive Director of Partners in Progress <> , our local economic development office, is also on the board of the ResearchTriangle Regional Partnership. RTRP <> is a powerful entity leading development of regional economic development strategy. Pat tells a story how at a recent meetings of the economic developers he was asked, “What’s going on in Moore County, we don’t hear anything about you any more”. That remark made an impact on him and he soon he had our county involved in exploring what was needed to make a bigger impact and be known outside our borders. Dr. Carol Kline <> , Associate Professor at The Walker College ofcIMG_0004 Business at Appalachian State University was contracted to do research about the needs and demands in our area in order to craft the best branding message. Studying the four target groups, “Traditional Retirees”, “Returnees”, “Relocatees” and “Outsiders” we learned that people value both the small town charm and the “micropolitan” elements. While enjoying the benefits of a rural county we also have cultural amenities such as local restaurants, performances and lectures enjoyed by larger population areas.

Soon thereafter, Liaison Design Group <> of Raleigh, a marketing and branding company specializing in economic development was contracted to create an overall strategy. The Moore Alive website is part of that strategy.

Today I am asking local businesses to put the Moore Alive logo prominently on their web-site so customers and visitors to their site can learn more about Moore County. Especially useful to Moore County realtors <> and Moore County builders <> who helped fund the initiative, any business or entity will benefit from the regional branding that supplements their own efforts. It saves businesses money because they do not have to put resources into maintaining website pages and keeping information current. They do not have to do the painstaking Search Engine Optimization that makes it possible for Moore County to get disseminated broadly across the internet and into the hands of seekers.

This award wibIMG_0004nning site <> is easy to navigate and presents Moore County as a great place to live, work and play.

It is an exciting time to be part of this growing marketing strategy. Regional branding is a new and dynamic trend in economic development. As in the words of Jeff Denny, principal of Liaison, telling the stories through the web-site makes it personal and gives the human connection so that it is more than a place on a map.

See or contact Melissa Hall at 910 639-3747 or





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Lesa Lindsay, Private Mortgage Banker of Wells Fargo is our featured guest along with David Michael Wolff of the Carolina Philharmonic.

Lesa talks about the various types of loan available in our market today and provides lots of tips for first time, military or 2nd home buyers.
Having been in the mortgage business since 2002, her perspective and experience clearly comes thru. Her discussion of the importance of the loan process at the time of application is valuable information for all borrowers. With increased regulation since 2008, Lesa also addresses some of the issues and delays that can come up during the underwriting process.

David Michael Wolff has been a past guest on our show and David is always entertaining and informative. He shares with us some of the great upcoming events for the fall & holiday season including the October 11th appearance of 19 yr. old Mayumi Kanagawa, the Nov. 7th appearance of Violinist Natasha Korsakova and the Holiday Pops Extravaganza on Wed. Nov. 26th at the Carolina Hotel. Information at tickets are available at their website,

Sept1 Sept2

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Lifelong resident, former Town Council member and activist, David Woodruff gives us a preview of his book, TapRoots, and the double lecture he and author Ed Aswad will hold at the Southern Pines Civic Club at 105 S. Ashe St. on Sunday, Oct. 5th at 2:00 p.m.

The lecture is being hosted by the Moore County Historical Association,

David’s book captures a spirit and a hope for the town he loves and grew up in as a child in the 40’s, 50’s & 60’s. His stories, remembrances and
observations are a gift to all who have called Southern Pines home. He captures the town’s character & values in a way today’s residents can
greatly benefit. The book’s timeline takes the reader from the late 1800’s to the present day of development, growth & changing demographics. Like
characters in a play, David’s reading points come to life as the turpentine business, the grand loblolly pines, the trains & rails, the schools, the grand hotels, and the impact of the decisions made thru the years by the Town Council that have shaped the town we are today. The photographs in this book are a keepsake in themselves. In between the pages of TapRoots the reader will find love, joy, sadness, but always hope and great lessons. The rich texture of the stories will make a strong and lasting impression on anybody wanting to wrap themselves around the multitude of layers contained on these pages. David’s love story will be further illustrated at the Civic Club on Oct. 2nd. His fervent hope is that his wonderful gift to this wonderful town will lead to a greater understanding of where Southern Pines came from and where this special place so many of us call home can go.

IMG_0002Although a relative newcomer to Moore County, author Ed Aswad’s popular book, 1001 Trivia Questions & Answers of Moore County, provides the additional texture to help put Southern Pines & all of Moore County in a wonderful framework for residents of all ages.

Ed’s humor and candor and zest for life and his love of Moore County is the only impression you are left with when this man enters or leaves a room!

Both books are available at the Moore County Historical Association and The Country Bookshop in Southern Pines.

October is a busy month in Moore County and to that end, Executive Producer Morgan Sills of the Judson Theatre Company joins us to talk about the upcoming production of To Kill a Mockingbird from Oct. 2nd – Oct. 5th at the Owens Auditorium at the Sandhills Community College. This classic comes to life again, starring Johnny Whitaker of FAMILY AFFAIR and TOM SAWYER fame.
Ticket information :


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The Moore County Historical Association

IMG_0001The strong sense of Community in Moore County is completely evident in the work done by the Moore County Historical Association.  Association members, Judy Snider, Beverly Offutt, Milton Sills and current President Greg Z discuss a myriad of activities conducted by the Association with special attention given to the upcoming SHAW HOUSE FAIR to be held on Saturday, Oct. 11th.

Against a backdrop of changing demographics and a challenging fund raising environment, all guests speak passionately about the work of the Association; interweaving some great stories of some of the iconic landmarks of the county and why preservation is such an important goal.


Download Flyer

The Moore County Historical Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to collecting, preserving, and sharing, the rich historical legacy of the towns, cities and surrounding area, of Moore County, North Carolina.

The Association is a 501(c) (3) organization headquartered at the historic Shaw House in Southern Pines, North Carolina. It is supported by membership, donations, sales of books and gift shop merchandise, and proceeds from fundraisers. Through this support, the Association focuses on community enrichment through the presentation of exhibits at our house-museums, an educational outreach program including speakers and programs for all ages, the offering of a research library and photo archives, and hosting of special events.

Our Objectives:

  • To acquire, manage, restore, reconstruct, preserve, maintain, (or dispose) of historic buildings, grounds, monuments, and objects.
  • To erect historical markers and monuments.
  • To collect, preserve and own records, books, manuscripts, charts, maps, and other worthy historical materials for its archives.
  • To buy and sell real and personal property as may be necessary to carry out the Association’s objectives.
  • To open for public viewing and appropriate use, the historic buildings owned by the Association.
  • To sell books, monographs, stationery, postcards, and other printed materials, as well as food and drink; and further, to rent space in any of its buildings.
  • To present to the public the historic buildings and furnishings owned by the Association as a collection of the period.
  • To foster relations of friendship, cordiality and good welfare.
  • To disseminate information about the preservation of ancestral homes, gardens, antiques, maps, deeds, grants, and records pertaining to the early history of Moore County.

The Moore County Historical Association believes that it is important to preserve the past of this very unique county – a county rich in the Southern style of life tempered with a Northern spirit.

IMG_0005For over a century, most new residents of Moore County have come from out of state. As early as the late1800s this area beckoned those seeking refuge from the harsh northern winters and fast paced lifestyles. The mild climate and gentle quality of life brought them here to visit. Many who came to visit fell in love with the local charm and way of life and decided to stay. Over the following years word of the many benefits of living in Moore County continued to bring new residents who brought with them ideas and talents to add to the diverse community.

The Historical Association welcomes all who share a love for this unique area and a desire to keep our history alive. We celebrate those who founded our towns and communities, those who helped to preserve our history, and those who reside in the area today. Today’s residents are making tomorrow’s history. The Association’s preservation efforts are unending.

Join now and be a part of the preservation program. As a member, you will receive an assortment of benefits including discounts on purchases, facility rentals, and tours plus free admission to our socials and lecture series. Most of all, your membership helps support the Association’s vital work in preserving our history for our children of tomorrow.As a member you’ll receive the following benefits:

  • An exclusive invitation to the Holiday Open House.
  • Members Picnic at the spring/summer annual meeting.
  • Members Holiday Party in December preceding our Holiday Open House.
  • A 10% discount on all your purchases in our Book and Gift Shop.
  • A discount on tours.
  • Newsletters and postcard reminders updating you on all the exciting events and programs of the Association.

Located at the Shaw House is our gift and book shop that features an assortment of photos and note cards from our Archives, in addition to gift items and books of local and state interest.

The Shop Features:

  • Books
  • Maps
  • Note Cards
  • Photo Prints
  • Postcards
  • Posters
  • Soap (Historic Shaw House Blend)

WWW.MOOREHISTORY.COM, 910 692-2051, P.O. BOX 324 – SOUTHERN PINES, N.C 28387

Community Presbyterian Church Concert

Keith and Kristyn Getty, the world renowned, celebrated musical artists who wrote and performed

In Christ Alone will be performing for one night only on September 25th at the Pinecrest High School Auditorium at 7:00 PM.  The Getty’s and their incredible band will be joined by 100+ local choir members.  This concert is brought to our area by Community Presbyterian Church.

The Irish couple is known around the world for their modern hymns and worship music written for the church.  This concert, Hymns for the Christian Life is their most personal album to date as it explores themes such as work, money, community, social action, family, and forgiveness.  Keith said this collection is about “how the gospel story touches every part of life.

Tickets can be purchased by calling 910-295-6848, or on line at gettys.

$15 general admission.  For more information call Boo DeVane 910-986-1272.

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