John (JD) Zumwalt – Candidate for NC State Representative – District 52

John (JD) Zumwalt, a candidate for the NC House of Representatives is our featured guest and is joined by avid supporter, Nick Picerno, Chairman of the Moore County Board of Commissioners.

JD & Nick answer questions about the upcoming election as well as giving us an opportunity to meet Zumwalt.

Chairman Picerno discusses why he is supporting Zumwalt over the incumbent Jamie Boles.

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The free flowing conversation touches upon many of the key issues that Moore County citizens will have to make important decisions about at the March 2016 Primary. These topics include:

a. Quarter cent sales tax and it’s direct application to our school system.
b. Moore County being left out of the recent sales tax base expansion.
c. The NC Lottery fund, d. the General Assembly not fully funding teaching positions.

Both guests are acutely aware of the national political scene and the media’s over glamorizing the issues from both sides of the aisle. With that in mind, JD talks about being a servant of the people and sticking to the facts. His commitment to the teachers and students of Moore County is made very clear.

Zumwalt has no prior political experience, having retired from US Army Special Operations in 1997. He has worked as a tug boat pilot, a firefighter and a police officer. His wife of 34 years, Mindi Zumwalt, passed away of cancer in February of this year.

Zumwalt mentions how his wife’s deep love of education led to his involvement in this election and mentions of a few of the issues he sees as key to voters of Moore County.

You can read more about JD Zumwalt on his Facebook page, or on his blog/group, No Moore Good Old Boys.

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