Executive Director of Habitat, Elizabeth Cox is joined by Apostle Build future home owner, Wanda Brower, Apostle Build committee member, Kate Cote and Habitat volunteer of the Habitat Repair ministry, Karen Hieronymus. Elizabeth leads a discussion that touches on the many important aspects that Habitat for Humanity provides to Moore County future homeowners who meet the criteria that Habitat sets and then talks about the big picture benefits of “community” that Habitat can provide for their new homeowners and our next generation of children. Kathryn Kelly also joins us to discuss her self directed fundraiser for “Hope for Hill Crest – Kids for Catastrophes”. This fundraiser will be held on May 5th at the Pine Needles Convention Ctr. from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Her heartfelt story about dedication to provide free schooling in Africa for children under the age of 6 speaks of a commitment from her heart.